Community Members

Hey, Community Member!

So, you’re ready to expand your skills, strengths, and connections within your community?

We’ve developed our extensive training and online community platform specifically with you in mind, if:

  • You have spent time living in intentional community

  • You are currently full-time or part-time living in an intentional community

  • You want to make your life your own and become part of a society that reflects your values, energy, and interests

  • You understand the benefits of living in community, but sometimes find yourself overwhelmed with the challenges that come with organizing, sharing tasks and responsibilities, and/or maintaining harmony within the community dynamics

  • You want to develop connections with others who value personal accountability and growth, while supporting one another through personal difficulties and breakthroughs

If one (or multiple) of these descriptions speak to you, then our “Core Training” program was designed just for you!

Keep reading below to find out more about what you’ll get when you join!

Not so sure?

Perhaps you would first like an introduction to our Nomadic Communities ecosystem. Check out our “Community Curious” course description here!

Here’s what you’ll access on our Skool platform:

  • Community Leadership Training:

    Our four-part comprehensive training is designed to upskill you in permaculture, communications, emotional leadership, and planning.

  • Perfect Your Craft:

    You will offer at least one online offering a month through your core journey; a unique opportunity to hone your passions and enhance your leadership skills.

  • Virtual Member Offerings:

    Participate in our online members’ unique offerings of connection, healing, support, and training. Make requests for support ranging from emotional, interpersonal, to practical skill building!

  • Your Core Journey Pod:

    Every month for the next 7 years you will meet with 6 other dedicated members for accountability and support on your journeys to personal sovereignty.

  • In-Person Community Immersion:

    You will have the opportunity to support- and eventually lead- a three-month in-person season, as you learn and master the intricacies of community structure and roles!

  • Develop Your Personal Vision

    Learn how to say “Yes” to a life that brings you joy and fulfillment. Craft a seven-year plan for holistic growth, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions

Ready to dive in?

Felix’s testimonal - a core member of Finca Morpho; the birthplace of Nomadic Communities

See what River has to share about his experience as a Nomadic Communities member!

Sam shares about his experience as a trunk and amendment member (learn more about these terms on our Skool platform)!